Ignition repair key extractions

Ignition Repair Bowling Green KY and nearest areas
We provide expert car ignition switch repair throughout the Bowling Green KY and nearest areas. We’ll get you back on the road quickly and economically whatever type, make, or model of vehicle you drive. Unlike general mechanics, we’re automotive locksmith specialists so you know the job will be done right and at far lower price than an auto dealership. Plus we come to your place so there are no towing costs.
So what’s wrong?
You probably need an ignition lock repair if you can’t extract, insert, or turn your ignition key. That’s most likely because of a damaged or worn ignition lock cylinder (or key) or perhaps a bit of dirt or debris. But just to be sure, double check that the ignition switch is in the right position (“lock” or “off” for removal) and your vehicle is in park. And for many GM models, make sure the battery isn’t dead. A broken ignition lock can also blocking electric signals for accessories and the starter motor.
Our Ignition Switch Locksmith Services
If you have any ignition switch problems don’t forcefully try to turn the ignition lock or try to force a key in or out. That may well turn an cheaper ignition lock repair into a more expensive replacement.
Our technicians will start step by step, starting with any key extraction. With the special tools, extracting even a broken-off key is not a problem. They can then repair or replace ignition lock cylinder rather than the whole mechanism. That’s pretty much the same as changing home door lock cylinders, but also involves removing covers on the steering column. That typically requires using special tamper-proof bits and extra care not to broke various plastic latches. Altogether it takes around 25 minutes for most models.
If the cylinder has to be replaced, our technicians can set it to match your old keys so you won’t be stuck with separate keys for the ignition and doors.
Additional Services
If your car key is worn or damaged we can make you a new keys on the spot. That includes transponder fobs and smart keys for most types of vehicles.
Why BG Locksmiths?
- All our emergency locksmith services are performed by certified, trained, and insured technicians.
- Our large fleet means our mobile locksmiths will quickly arrive anywhere in the Bowling Green KY and nearest areas, anytime 24/7.
- Our vans are fully equipped with the latest tools and programmers ready to handle new, old, and rare vehicles of any make and model.